Wednesday, September 29, 2010

How to hide minimize and maximize button in Adobe Air?

You can disable an AIR application’s system chrome maximize and minimize buttons by editing the ‘MyApp-app.xml’ file. Uncomment and set your values in the following options:


There are also a bunch of other options you can configure in here.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Flex Tool Box

Component Explorers:

Style Explorers:

Effect Explorers:

Other Explorers:

Flex Builder Shortcuts

Here’s a list of useful shortcuts for Flex Builder

Open type
(Ctrl-Shift-T)* – this lets you browse all the types (AS classes/interfaces, MXML files) in your project and quickly open them.

Goto Definition(F3/Ctrl-click on identifier)* – quickly jump to the definition of an identifier (type/variable/function).

Quick Outliner
(Ctrl-O)* – get the outline view as a pop-up window, with the added ability to type and filter down to the function/member variable that you’re looking for.

Context sensitive help
(F1 on an identifier/tag) – for an MXML tag, function or class/interface, show the help entry for that item in the Eclipse Help Panel.

Open context sensitive help
(Shift-F2 on an identifier) – for an MXML tag, function or class/interface, show the help entry for that item in the integrated Help browser. This will most likely open a new browser window.

Jump to matching brace
(Ctrl-Shift+P)* – jumps to the matching brace if your cursor is to the left or right of a given balanced brace.

Display type
Hover over an identifier – when you put your mouse over a variable, we display its type. When you hover over a function, we display its return type (if it has one).

Add CDATA block
(Ctrl-Shift-C) in MXML – wraps a given selection in a CDATA block.

Event type hinting
(Ctrl-space) – addEventListener( will display all the events that are relevant targets for a listener function.

Fold all functions/ASDoc comments/comments in ActionScript
With folding enabled, right-click on the vertical gutter, drill down to “Folding”.

Organize imports
(Ctrl + Shift + O)* – Sorts the imports in ActionScript files, removes duplicates and consolidates when needed

Delete current line
(Ctrl + D)

Move current line
(Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down) – Moves the current line to the line before/after

Open source in the SDK for MXML tag
(Ctrl + left-click on mxml tag)

Open source in the SDK for MXML tag and move to attributes in source
(Ctrl + left-click on a attribute of a mxml tag)

Friday, December 4, 2009

Flex Gumbo in FlashDevelop

Ca multi alti developeri nu am bani pentru Flex3 IDE. Prin urmare folosesk FlashDevelop, care e free. L-am configurat sa lucreze cu flex 3 sdk. Acum am vrut sa builduiesk un project care foloseshte Flex Gumbo, care e inclus in flex 4 beta sdk. Iaca un exemplu: Setting the base color on a Spark DropDownList control in Flex 4.

Poti face asta in felul urmator :
1. Downloadezi flex sdk 4 beta undeva pe calculator, il dezarhivezi.
2a. Configurezi pentru toate proectele sa foloseaska acest sdk. Tools > Program Settings > AS3Context şi setezi "Flex SDK Location".
2b. Configurezi numai pentru un proect. Project > Properties > Compiler Options şi setezi "Custom path to Flex SDK" cu calea unde ai dezarhivat flex 4 sdk.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Invata Flex/AIR cu Tour de Flex

Adobe a lansat o aplicatie AIR care permite o initiere mai rapida in Adobe Flex/AIR.
Tour de Flex

Ceva de citit:
Adobe Romania
Laurenţiu Lozan @ FlexTribe

Monday, October 6, 2008


Primul post. Am creat acest blog , unde voi scrie cum am inceput sa studiez Adobe Flex, poate va fi interesant si pentru altcineva ;)
Putin despre: voi incerca sa descriu pas cu pas studierea asa numitului Flex.
ce stiu pina acum:
- c#/.net (f. bine)
- php (nivel mediu)
- html/javascript/xml (f. bine)
- actionscript 2.0 (nivel mediu)